Dave on 01 Sep 2016 01:37:42
The current shape map requires a static TopoJSON file to be uploaded to the visual in Power BI Desktop. We would like a way to provide the file through the data model, so that data refreshes will always grab the latest map layout.
At our company we have our custom maps fully automated, but today it is a very manual process to update the Power BI reports and re-publish them to the service. This creates the danger of us having out of date maps and not knowing about it.
We see the value of a static map, for people who don't have spaces that change often. But for us we need a dynamic alternative.
(The problem for us is made even worse since we have to include the description for a polygon as part of the key, because the shape map doesn't yet support additional fields in the tooltips. But our description data changes frequently, so we are constantly doing manual changes to any of our reports with shape maps.)
- Comments (3)
RE: Shape Map, dynamic update of TopoJSON data
Using a JSON field in a table in the data model would be amazing. Even better still if you just supported SQL server Spatial Data Types :(...
RE: Shape Map, dynamic update of TopoJSON data
you posted this a year and a half ago, did you find a work around for updating the TopoJSON file?
RE: Shape Map, dynamic update of TopoJSON data
This is a great idea! I would like to store topojson files in a blob storage and point to them with a url in the data model. And whenever the topojson file is updated i see the latest json data. Great for visualizing data on floorplans and filtering between storeylevels.