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Single "Apply" button option for multiple 'prompts'/slicers

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Power BI User on 02 Apr 2020 17:19:02

Single "Apply" button option for multiple prompt/slicers.
We have Power BI reports having multiple prompt/slicers and wanted to keep the "Apply" button to avoid the instant refresh for each selection which takes longer time for the report to render.
But it shows multiple "Apply" button which takes more space and not for better user experience.
Please provide the option to enable only one "Apply" button per report/dashboard like other reporting tools.

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7315e548 ab61-40ca-9c9c-9ba401343e1f on 06 Jul 2020 00:16:41

RE: Single "Apply" button option for multiple 'prompts'/slicers

This is important for dashboards that have many parameter tables, since they are interacted with much better with slicers than the filter pane. I propose solving this by adding an "Apply Slicers" option to a button's Action type. This would allow the user to place the Apply All button where it makes sense. The slicer code could remain similar to the current Apply button code, except the individual buttons are no longer necessary, as the user defined Apply All button would be automatically linked to them all.