Mukesh Nanda on 15 May 2015 02:32:35
It would be great if we could have multi-layered dashboards or atleast an ability to click-down(as seen in dashboard) on report pages, which could browse to another view page.
- Comments (3)
RE: Ability to create Multi-Tier Dashboard/reports
This is currently available in the MSIT deployment, I was able to link a dashboard tile to another dashboard using the "Custom Link" option to configure the tile. This is great, please make this a feature in the published version!
RE: Ability to create Multi-Tier Dashboard/reports
Will, this is something that would be helpful if you need to drill down more than 2 levels but still be able to see an "All Up View"
For example, right now we are developing a dashboard that captures metrics at Organizational>Portfolio>Service Line>Service>Experience. We currently have an all up level with slicers in the report to only see data for a particular service/experience etc. If I am a Service Owner I would not be able to see all the info for my service on one screen, I would need to click into each individual report and apply the slicer.
RE: Ability to create Multi-Tier Dashboard/reports
Clicking a tile on the dashboard links to another dashboard, instead of a report. This enables "Report hierarchy".