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Power BI maps - within the radius of a location

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E on 03 Nov 2016 16:53:29

Let's say I have a map of the US, filled with the locations of 100 000 companies all around the country. It would be nice to have an option to get every company that lies within x miles of a selected location.

A way to do this could be:
- You click on a location on the map (this will be the center)
- Drag your mouse away from that location and release the mousebutton. This way you create a circle around that location.
- Every company within that circle gets highlighted and other Visuals get filtered based on that.

Appearently, Tableau already has this feature.

Comments (4)
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852da493 7d77-408f-b797-c31f80befdb7 on 05 Jul 2020 23:35:39

RE: Power BI maps - within the radius of a location

I'm surprised this dosn't have more support. We have it working via a calculated distance fields using a parameter for zip and radius and a filter but a radius select would be so much better for end users. Yes tableau has this feature, but more importantly it is best for end users.

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dbde15c2 db0b-4847-8794-b1c8b2ef947a on 05 Jul 2020 23:13:02

RE: Power BI maps - within the radius of a location

We need this!! We would like to see multiple shape files on a map, and depending on which shape you select, show a five mile radius from the shape file and the corresponding data points (businesses/residences) within the radius. Need ability to do data analysis on those data points. For example, how many local workers live within a 5 mile radius of a selected public works construction project?

Please add this feature!! Much thanks!

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052f9790 5cb9-4d6c-b752-7aff4629d254 on 05 Jul 2020 23:09:52

RE: Power BI maps - within the radius of a location

Our institution could benefit from this feature. We have been seeking a MapPoint replacement. Since we cannot use an online platform, Power BI desktop would be an ideal solution. One suggestion would be to add the following feature: the ability to select a specific location on the map and pull out a radius of a specified number of miles, or to use a freeform drawing tool

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348bc5c9 59d3-4198-9247-32b61ca69a0b on 05 Jul 2020 23:09:47

RE: Power BI maps - within the radius of a location

This is the exact feature that our large, public institution needs! After the discontinuation of MapPoint, we have been actively searching for a suitable replacement. Because we work with sensitive data, we are not comfortable using an online platform. For that reason, Power BI desktop would be an ideal solution. However, the most widely used feature of MapPoint - the ability to select a specific location on the map and pull out a radius of a specified number of miles, or to use a freeform drawing tool - aren't available. Power BI, please add this feature!