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make slicer lists react to data choices in visuals

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Android templar on 26 Feb 2019 15:43:06

When are we going to have filters react to populations chosen from graphs? That is, if I have a filter with a list of values, when I choose some sub-population of the base data from lets say mosaic graph, the list in the slicer does not react to that at all and still displays also "choices" which are now impossible, since they of course are not part of the chosen sub-population I just picked from e.g. mosaic. The slicer seems one directional, although in the data model relationships between my tables are bi-directional

This seems like a major one - it confuses users of reports.
Power BI slicers have the following limitations:

Slicers do not support input fields.
Slicers cannot be pinned to a dashboard.
Drilldown is not supported for slicers.
** Slicers do not support visual level filters. **