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Sankey visual should support a key field to show flow of group through whole diagram

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Ryan McCauley on 28 Nov 2017 22:33:23

The current Sankey diagram allows me to visualize groups of users as they move through stages in my process and understand the volume. However, since the diagram doesn't support defining a key value, it can't be used to track anybody through the entire process.

I have a dataset that contains a starting value, an action, and and ending value for each customer. I can use the Sankey to see which action a group of customers with starting or ending values took, as well as for an action, see which starting/ending values they had, but I can't see pick a starting value and see which actions they took and which ending value it flowed through to. In my case, I want to understand the customer lifecycle and without a key value, the current Sankey chart won't let me do that.
