Lyle Spencer on 11 Apr 2017 22:26:03
Even if licensed and authenticated with O365 the first time a person attempts to view a dashboard they are prompted to sign up for Power BI. Subsequent visits to do not prompt for sign-up.
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RE: Do not 'prompts' licensed & authenticated users for Power BI trial sign-up
Let me break down what happens and what I think “should” happen
Scenario: We make a super cool dashboard in Power BI and share it with the university president, sending him an email with a link to the dashboard.
What I think should happen:
President clicks on link
Dashboard loads in his browser*
*Possible authentication prompt of not already authenticated in O365, in a properly configured SSO environment no prompts at all.
What happens:
President clicks link
President is prompted to sign-up for Power BI or “click here” to sign in
President accidently attempts to sign up for Power BI or president clicks sign-in and has to re-authenticate with Power BI even though already logged into O365
President wonders why I make things more difficult than they need to be
President sees awesome dashboard and forgets “a few extra clicks and login”
Note: This only happens the first time someone visits, on subsequent there is no prompt for sign-up.
Assumptions: user is authenticated with O365, user has a valid Power BI Pro license
Hopefully this illustrated what we are experiencing and the experience we are shooting for.