Guy Alroy on 16 Nov 2014 03:38:08
[From Maria Balsamo]: It would be good if the user could rearrange the charts on their scorecards and save that arrangement just for their iPad.
So, on my laptop, I have my laptop view and sort order. On my iPad, I have my iPad view and sort order.
Since these two devices are different size and I use them differently, I'll want to view my data differently on them.
Administrator on 25 Oct 2016 05:48:24
Hi everyone! We completed this recently, hopefully you'll find it useful! More information on our support site here:
- Comments (2)
RE: Support cration of iPad/iPhone specific dashboard layout
I agree with the Bryan Campell's comment. A preview option for different device categories would be very helpful. Furthermore it would be nice to be able to choose if a dashboard's visual shall be available on specific device category.
RE: Support cration of iPad/iPhone specific dashboard layout
Very difficult to design one dashboard for mulitple sources. See Datazen approach. Allows to preview what each dashboard will look like on each device catagory (and affect changes on each independently...)