Helge Larsen on 02 Feb 2017 22:54:03
When I connect Power Query to a PostgreSQL database I get a list of tables and views in the database. But materialized views are not shown. I would suggest that Power Query would be able to connect to materialized views, too.
- Comments (13)
RE: Materialized views in PostgreSQL
'You can access to a materialized view in PostGre by writing a request like that :
= public_Schema{[Name="XXXXX",Kind="View"]}[Data]
Tip: create first a new source and then just change the table name XXXXX
RE: Materialized views in PostgreSQL
Create your own normal view or just do the Advanced option in the Get Data and do a Select statement from the materialized view in there.
RE: Materialized views in PostgreSQL
Incredible that materialized views are not supported yet. Can this be fixed? I just upgraded PostgreSQL to be able use materialized views for performance reasons and PowerBI just killed it. OK, let's stay with workaround...
RE: Materialized views in PostgreSQL
A nice workaround is to create a view in PostgreSQL for the materialized view. Worked wonders. Indexed views in SQL server do not allow for remote access. Hopefully SQL server 2016 may have those features available.
RE: Materialized views in PostgreSQL
'+1. We are currently handling millions of records which views cannot be used and we thought of using materialized view. Please bring this basic feature
RE: Materialized views in PostgreSQL
'+1 We just purchased PowerBI for connecting to PostgreSQL. Material views are a solid requirement for us. I am questioning the decision if its apparently that hard to get what we need especially since material views are not that much different as a consumer of data.
RE: Materialized views in PostgreSQL
I would also find this very useful. Don't see what's the problem with implementing this.
RE: Materialized views in PostgreSQL
Up for this, very helpful in reporting where you can just refresh the data via a Materialized View instead of creating multiple tables, which is considered to be a bad practice in the principles of data warehouse.
RE: Materialized views in PostgreSQL
We are in a similar situation where we have materialised view built on PostgreSQL but Power BI was not able to use due to the limitation of Power BI
Microsoft has any plan to support the MV feature of PostgreSQL in the future release ?
RE: Materialized views in PostgreSQL
MV is a reporting object and if this is not supported then it would lead us to use other reporting tools that do support . So how about some comment from the PowerBI team? as per below ?