Andrewnzinuk on 24 Apr 2017 06:51:15
When viewing map data with a large number of data points you often want to view a specific group of points - these usually grouped and coloured by some legend value. When selecting a legend value, all the other data points are washed out, sort of made transparent. When there is overlap with these data points the transparency/washout does not work very well and it can be difficult to locate the datapoints you have selected. An easy fix would be to provide the developer the ability to control the behaviour, i.e. choose to hide completely all non selected datapoints, rather than the washout/transparent option. I find it really hard to locate my data points on the maps when there are a lot of values with similar colours - hiding the irrelavant data points completely would be a nice behaviour option, but also keeping the transparent functionality so the developer of the report can choose which style they prefer, or even a toggle from all on, to transparent, to hide all non selected, back to all on.