Andy Wilbourn on 09 Feb 2017 19:00:31
We have found that if you set a filter to be single select the user is able to use the CTRL key and select multiples. This seems like it should not be allowed. We have a DAX calc that needs to use the filter and can only handle one value selected, so since the system allows multi-select when we configured single it breaks our report.
- Comments (1)
RE: Disable CTRL clicking a filter if the filter is set to single mode
Your DAX calculation should check to make sure that only 1 value is selected and then proceed with its calculation. You can use COUNTROWS('Table')=1 or HASONEVALUE('Table'[Column]).
I like having Ctrl as an option for multi-select. It saves the confusion of remembering whether multi-select is on or not or of remembering to toggle it.
I think that a stronger option than what you are suggesting would be to be able to remove the ability to multi-select from a slicer.