Scott Adams on 24 Jun 2015 18:05:18
I have been working with real time data sources that post snapshots of KPIs each minute. This means a stream of numbers such as 92,92,93,... I would like the guage to show the last row received in the data set (by filtered set) as opposed to the min, max etc. Currently I have to use Stream Analytics queries to calculate the initial position and each delta, however this is prone to failure if the service goes down and stops sending events for a period greater than my limit duration. What I really want is support for particularly guages and card views to show the last value received into a data set.
- Comments (6)
RE: Guage support for 'Last' in data set, not only aggregation.
I have the same issue! I need to display the value of a KPI (in %), but the option "don't sum" in a gauge is not available.
The usage of a streaming dataset (and of the "streaming" gauge) it is inappropriate because a streaming dataset can't be created with C#!
RE: Guage support for 'Last' in data set, not only aggregation.
Yes, this is very important if Power Bi should be used as a client tool for Internet Of Things sensors
RE: Guage support for 'Last' in data set, not only aggregation.
Agree with comments below...this should exist beyond gauges and is absolutely needed for real time visuals
RE: Guage support for 'Last' in data set, not only aggregation.
Perhaps this could be implemented using a "sliding window" of rows concept to allow aggregates (average, sum etc.) to be for a specified number of records in the past (the "point in time" value being a window of size 1).
RE: Guage support for 'Last' in data set, not only aggregation.
In addition - this would be great if it applied to other types of charts as well - not just gauges.
RE: Guage support for 'Last' in data set, not only aggregation.
This is a really important feature that you suggest. I'm also using stream analytics to collect sensor data, and as of now I have to use Q&A for the last 10 seconds, and I have the same problem as you. If there's no "measure point" the graphs will be blanked out. I tried to modify the SA query and delete all the other posts except the last at the same time I stream but the SA QL is very limited.