Thomas Pagel on 31 Oct 2019 19:28:25
Couldn't believe that this is true: There's no connector in DataFlows to read from files stored in Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2. You can connect to other DataFlows but if you have a plain and simple file stored on the Data Lake (so no CDM format) you're stuck... Maybe you can grab it via the Blob API now being available but that doesn't provide you the Single-Sign-On experience and fine-granular security you can define in ADLS Gen2
- Comments (1)
RE: Add "Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2" as a Data Source in DataFlows
I just had a message back on the forum to say there are no plans for this. How can there be no plans for this?
Please add in a Data Lake Storage Gen2 Connector into Dataflows in Service. there is now one in Power BI desktop. This doesn't make any sense.