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Power BI


Enable Cross-Report Drillthrough on Power BI Embedded

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Deran N on 14 Jul 2020 09:06:05

This is a great feature that is not yet functional for Power BI Embedded customers.

As an ISV serving many clients, our clients would find this to be a very useful feature on the embedded analytics we provide.

It will be crucial to be able to detect a cross-report drillthrough so that when reports are embedded into a web application, the cross-report drill through event can be identified and managed from a security perspective. I.e. Validate a user's permission and prevent a user from navigating to a report they are not entitled to view.

Right now, many clients also have Power BI within their organization and they are able to use this feature. We would like to provide the same features they are used to.

Functionality gaps of this kind make ISV services less desirable and it is a difficult conversation to have with clients when you need to explain why you can not provide the same features they are used to or see on the various learning/informational Power BI platforms.