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Automate or improve report-splitting for multiple dashboards / or link PBI-desktop tabs to services tabs

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Tom Benders on 02 Mar 2017 17:26:13

I have 5 reports with 5 tabs each. I also have 5 dashboards, each linked to one of the reports. All of these originate from a single PBI-desktop file with all 25 tabs in them.

Each time I make some changes in the desktop file and publish it, I have to save the main report into the 5 copies and remove 20 out of 25 tabs in each. Then I have to save the tabs to the dashboards again. This is a tedious, time consuming proces. I wish this proces was somehow automated or improved.

Any of the following would help immensly:

- Link the tabs from the main PBI report to the online tabs spread over multiple reports. Maybe by an id-number. They all use the same dataset anyhow. On publish, these should automaticly overwrite the online tabs with the same id.
- A fast way to remove tabs without having to the report. Currently, clicking on the cross on each at the bottom goes pretty slow and takes a few seconds of loading time.