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Under Review

Sliders & Tile By features on Dashboard.

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Shanny on 27 Oct 2015 03:37:14

Sliders in Power BI Dashboard.

Administrator on 27 Oct 2015 06:36:41

Thanks for the suggestion, could you leave a comment with more information on what you want.

Comments (2)
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dc6d4ad1 bad0-4cec-b215-5f628cf620b7 on 05 Jul 2020 22:43:16

RE: Sliders & Tile By features on Dashboard.

I too am looking for scrolling or sliding slicer/filter options. Is there a slicer that allows scrolling while simultaneously updating visualizations? I’d like to scroll through many items (40+) and have the visualization re-filter for each item. Some data just needs to be looked at one item at a time. Clearly I could add many pages filtered for each individual item, but it would be so much easier to just move a slider or a dial than click each page and the maintenance would be easier too.

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cb45e5be 43a6-42a1-bbf3-755500d785ae on 05 Jul 2020 22:29:55

RE: Sliders & Tile By features on Dashboard.

I can give you my view on this feature.

I would see a slider control to represent a certain dimension in your data/cube, so instead of picking values with a checkbox type control you could slide between those values with a slider control. this slider control would also allow for two values picking which would include all values in between these two start and end values.

Thanks for evaluating this request... alternately (and I'm really new to power BI so I am still exploring) you could point me towards information on how to build this myself and I will contribute back my results. ... I have a client where I can't use Power BI because it is mandatory that the dashboard has a slider for the user to evaluate different scenarios within a certain dimension.