Issue with online report visuals that contain measures. Any report that has a measure created get the following error message:
Couldn't retrieve the data for this visual. Please try again later.
Please try again later or contact support. If you contact support, please provide these details.
Activity ID421ba231-2816-4957-96a9-504a3d0fab5c
Request IDcccb72b0-0360-8d22-4afd-461638c4eab0
Correlation ID49d47db7-774a-058b-ee49-ade9ce5f59a8
TimeThu Dec 08 2016 10:36:55 GMT-0500 (Eastern Standard Time)
Cluster URI
The report with measures works perfectly in PowerBI Desktop; however, online the reports do not working.
- Comments (3)
RE: Couldn't retrieve the data for this visual. Please try again later.
It appears the issue is related to measures that use calculated columns.
RE: Couldn't retrieve the data for this visual. Please try again later.
Still an issue even after the update to Version13.0.1700.762.
RE: Couldn't retrieve the data for this visual. Please try again later.
It needs to be noted these reports worked online yesterday (12/7/2016) correctly.