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Excluding data on a Visual/Scatter plot should extend as a page/report level filter

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Mustafa Biviji on 23 Jun 2017 00:26:18

When data is plotted on a scatter plot, we get to see distribution by two metrics defined on X & Y-axis. This also helps in identifying outliers. On right-clicking we generally get to exclude certain data points from the visual and then see the visual without those data points (that is we filter out the data points at the visual level).

I would like to see an extension of this concept to filter out those data points across all visuals on that page/report that are interact with the original visual (where data points were excluded).

Why this is helpful? Suppose you identify certain outliers on a scatter plot that you would like to filter out from all your analysis for understanding the data better. You right click on those data points and exclude them which results in a visual level filter, but those data points (outliers) still exist in other visuals and hence misleading the end-user. If they were excluded from all related visuals that would truly help analyzing data without outliers across the report page.

More details with screenshots can also be seen here:

Comments (11)
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57b46ab7 6558-4d30-af11-72941a0785ca on 05 Jul 2020 23:14:33

RE: Excluding data on a Visual/Scatter plot should extend as a page/report level filter

This will be very useful to do, not only from a scatterplot but also from a simple table.