Our large worldwide organization has multiple Azure AD tenants and we are using Azure AD B2B and guest accounts extensively. We have a need to create multiple PBI tenants but we do not want to maintain local Azure AD accounts to be able to use full functionality of Power BI. Please enable full support for guest accounts in Power BI and allow a guest account to login to a different PBI tenant than the original PBI tenant tied to the primary account in the source AD tenant. Regards
- Comments (9)
RE: Allow Azure AD guest accounts to select Power BI tenant during login
Yes please!
RE: Allow Azure AD guest accounts to select Power BI tenant during login
The UI does not support the change so far, therefore the feature request.
I found a workarround:
In the PowerBi.com URL please add the parameter '?ctid='.
This will perform the tenant id change.
e.g. "https://app.powerbi.com/groups/.../reports/.../ReportSection...?ctid="
RE: Allow Azure AD guest accounts to select Power BI tenant during login
We are also creating Azure Solutions including PowerBI.com Workspaces and work with AAD B2B.
I can't force PowerBi.com to choose the customers tenant, so I can't collaborate seamlessly (as it is e.g. possible in MS Teams or Azure Portal).
Please implement this professional feature as it is mandatory to use PowerBI as frontend for data solutions for customers.
RE: Allow Azure AD guest accounts to select Power BI tenant during login
We created a data as a service solution for clients to use but the one question we regularly get is "How do I switch tenant" and we always have to send them the link and tell them to go to the link.
We're literally forcing our users to buy Power BI licenses and sending revenue your way with this solution, so making this easier for them to use would be a HUGE help for our sales.
RE: Allow Azure AD guest accounts to select Power BI tenant during login
Cannot stress the importance of this enough!
RE: Allow Azure AD guest accounts to select Power BI tenant during login
This would be a great enhancement over the current method for sharing with external users.
RE: Allow Azure AD guest accounts to select Power BI tenant during login
Cannot +1 this enough. If you compare the ease with which reports can be shared internally against the difficulty of access for external users, the gap is huge. It should be possible to access other tenants as a guest by a better method than the original link provided in an email. For guest users familiar with PowerBI in their own orgs, this would make their access to data far smoother, while for guest users unfamiliar with PowerBI, this would remove a barrier to usage.
RE: Allow Azure AD guest accounts to select Power BI tenant during login
This is definitely needed especially mobile access for our clients for the content we create for them to access. Mobile access is a showstopper for B2B. Anon is exactly correct that the current interface for viewing content on another tenant is very rudimentary and confusing even in a desktop environment since they assume they will be able to access via their own Power BI portal. Tenant switching is available throughout Azure and Azure AD Access Panel so it would make sense to extend this capability to the Power BI Service as well.
RE: Allow Azure AD guest accounts to select Power BI tenant during login
Our large worldwide organization has multiple Azure AD tenants and we are using Azure AD B2B and guest accounts extensively. We have a need to create multiple PBI tenants but we do not want to maintain local Azure AD accounts to be able to use full functionality of Power BI. Please enable full support for guest accounts in Power BI and allow a guest account to login to a different PBI tenant than the original PBI tenant tied to the primary account in the source AD tenant. Regards