Kirk Munro on 08 Jan 2016 04:58:09
Provide an API for Power BI Desktop that allows developers to create their own data sources. It's literally the very first feature I went looking for in Power BI. If you had such a feature, you wouldn't have to do all of the work yourselves for individual data source requests (of which there are quite a few already under review). My personal interest is to create a PowerShell data source , so that PowerShell can be used as glue to open Power BI up to many other data sources (including REST, which was one of the requests). Being able to push data into Power BI via PowerShell is one need (already satisfied with the PowerBIPS module), but there is also a need to be able to pull and refresh PowerShell data using a gateway without having to deal with intermediate csv files on disk.
- Comments (3)
RE: Data Source API
The feature will indeed be very help. I am currently developing a Drupal module that gets data out one of our HMIS and converts it into a csv file to be uploaded into Power BI. If only Power BI had an api I could consume and thus be able to upload the data.
RE: Data Source API
This will be a great addition to the product. I consider PBI Desktop to be a great analytics tool, not just a development tool, and allowing the community to create data source connectors will explode the oppertunities. Even if it is only for the dektop app
RE: Data Source API
This would be a great feature. Note that there is already API functionality to SEND data FROM PBI but no way to Restfully get data INTO PBI.