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Move multiple items with arrow keys

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Ashlyn Campbell's profile image

Ashlyn Campbell on 12 Jan 2018 00:55:50

Currently can only move one item with arrow keys. Would be helpful to be able to move all the items you have selected at once.

Comments (3)
Ashlyn Campbell's profile image Profile Picture

f7b9e90a bdf3-41c8-8b01-f07c8a8a84e1 on 05 Jul 2020 23:51:36

RE: Move multiple items with arrow keys

I tried also this:

1) enable View-->"Selection Pane"
2) on Selection Pane (useful having sorted all fields under Tab order) press Shift for a large interval, or CTRL to add single elements to the actual selection
3) be accurate with mouse, to not loose the selection, click on the border of one of the selected visuals
4) move the mouse (nice if you could use Keyboard too).

This works for me only on small number of elements selected, not with many visuals (it moves the objects sometimes out of the screen too!).


Ashlyn Campbell's profile image Profile Picture

16cd935c 357f-4ec0-b6cd-f402eac552ef on 05 Jul 2020 23:19:56

RE: Move multiple items with arrow keys

It is a pain to move the visuals together in exact amounts and we often resort to move each one individually even though the space between them is correct. It would be great to be able to select all visuals and nudge them using the arrow keys.

Ashlyn Campbell's profile image Profile Picture

2746175e 41ca-45e5-bd1a-8e5a3fa0f9cd on 05 Jul 2020 23:12:16

RE: Move multiple items with arrow keys

Currently, once you select all items/reports/charts/slicers etc., you have to again use the mouse to move them and then they move together but would like to have the ability to use the arrow keys as well once you have selected multiple items for finer object movements