Jelmer on 16 Aug 2017 19:35:57
Company's security policy requires to automatically logoff after 20 minutes of inactivity.
Because Power Bi displays sensitive data, it would be nice to configure after how many minutes the user will be automatically logoff.
- Comments (23)
RE: Automatically logoff / session time-out
This is something we are required to have as well. Please add.
RE: Automatically logoff / session time-out
session handling is really a nightmare, it would save lots of time and efforts if there will be an easy simple way to determine what will be the session length
RE: Automatically logoff / session time-out
Any updates about it please ?
RE: Automatically logoff / session time-out
Any updates?
RE: Automatically logoff / session time-out
Any updates about this feature?
RE: Automatically logoff / session time-out
PowerBI is like any other Microsoft product in terms of the data arriving at credential validation as the first step. How long you keep this file active in cases with sensitive data , is a significant factor in companies considering security factors. Adding this feature would be a great idea.
RE: Automatically logoff / session time-out
Company security policy requires applications with sensitive information should automatically log off. We also have a need for external users to view Power BI and need them to automatically log off.
RE: Automatically logoff / session time-out
The MS Identity stated it was an application team issue, the Power BI development team stated it was a browser security setting issue and not their on there roadmap...hopeless
RE: Automatically logoff / session time-out
Session Timeout is a basic feature expected on reporting tool. Please enable this feature.
RE: Automatically logoff / session time-out
Session timeout and idle timeouts are requirements to comply with for passing security clearance in most companies. Would help to have a configurable timeout like others posted.