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Query mode QoL: Add name of new column in applied steps

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Warren Jeanes's profile image

Warren Jeanes on 14 Mar 2019 17:46:49

Instead of using the generic "Added Custom" or "Added Conditional Column", rather insert the column name to make it easier to navigate through the step logic.

For example if I add a conditional column called Turnaround time, it is far more useful for me to see that I added Turnaround time than for me to see what type of column I added.

It saves time that is waste having to manually rename those steps and also means that if one of my colleagues works on the model, they can easily identify important items without having to go through every addition to find the right one.

I propose that this is only for added columns though as it wouldn't be practical for changes that affect multiple columns like name changes or removals.

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Warren Jeanes's profile image Profile Picture

f3e0b69d 7686-4da0-af96-403a28ad1576 on 05 Jul 2020 23:43:20

RE: Query mode QoL: Add name of new column in applied steps

Please add this!!