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Font Sizing & Control.

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Jon Anunson on 01 Sep 2017 22:27:14

I think it would be extremely helpful to make the concept of Font Size uniform across all controls, and meaningful in context of print and web display. Currently, I can set all fonts to 8 point, and they're huge on my large monitor. Some elements are clearly different sizes, even though they're set the same, and what fits in a dialog or control or chicklet does NOT stay true when viewed on the web. It should be possible to set a default face and size for ALL controls!

Comments (1)
Jon Anunson's profile image Profile Picture

b962f7c2 fb37-456d-be9e-4c23d7ceb4e0 on 05 Jul 2020 23:02:50

RE: Font Sizing & Control.

Agreed. Currently it is possible to manually set font to size 12 in multiple visuals, but for them to display at different sizes in each. For example, the axis labels in a bar chart display smaller than the data labels on the same chart, even if both are manually set to the same font size and font family.