Karl Duckett on 07 Mar 2019 02:28:57
On PowerBi Desktop we can get data using Python Scripts, but after published we can't schedule a refresh data for this connection. The PowerBI returns:
"Query contains unknown funtion name: Python.Execute."
It would be better if all features on desktop would work on web too.
* this idea has been submitted before but was wrongly marked as completed.
Please allow scheduled refreshes to work from data being sourced from a python script.
- Comments (2)
RE: Python on Scheduled Refresh
This simple idea would be to data what a restaurant is to food. Imagine you own a restaurant. Food (Data) is scheduled to be brought in at the same time each day. Your chefs (python script in power bi) then need to process these raw ingredients (data) and cook (format) them into dishes (visuals in power bi). In our restaurant the chefs have one phone and can only talk to one person at a time. To get the same meal everyday, we have to manually call the kitchen (power bi) from our home (personal desktop) get the chefs attention (python script in power bi) and tell them to cook (format) the ingredients (data). This is very inconvenient. This can be countered by having a wait station where waitress/waiters can schedule ours orders to the kitchen. If we had a staffed wait station (scheduled refresh of python) we could avoid calling into the kitchen. This means the entire meal (data, processing, and visualization) can take place at the restaurant (server) and we avoid having to interact with the restaurant at home (personal desktop).
RE: Python on Scheduled Refresh
This is true, there need to be a support for enough packages to enable you to do proper data import at least (API calls in particular)