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Use UTM Coodinates

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JF LeRoch on 04 Apr 2017 15:16:27

Possibility to use UTM format for coordinates instead of Lat/Long on maps

Comments (4)
JF LeRoch's profile image Profile Picture

a2333dd5 dde6-ea11-a817-000d3a563be2 on 25 Aug 2020 14:31:59

RE: Use UTM Coodinates

While this function is not implemented, I am solving this issue with an algorithm that I developed that can be used within Power Query through the M language.

The solution is available in the community at this link:

JF LeRoch's profile image Profile Picture

721a7f3e a0f1-40a5-91e0-ed827adc7316 on 10 Jul 2020 17:22:10

RE: Use UTM Coodinates

'I created a formula to convert utm -> lat long

Note that this works for south america (I only tested with uruguay) but should be a good starting point as you only need to change a few constants to make it work in different places.

utm_to_Lat =

// Constantes
var huso = 21 // C
var hemisferio = "S" // D
var semieje_mayor = 6378137 //E
var semieje_menor = 6356752.31424518 // F
var excentricidad = 0.0818191908426203 // G
var segunda_excentricidad = 0.0820944379496945 // H
var e_prima = 0.00673949674227624 // I
var radio_polar_curvatura = 6399593.62575849 // J

var Alfa = (DIVIDE(3,4)*e_prima) //S
var Beta = (5/3) * (Alfa^2) // T
var Gamma = (35/27) * (Alfa^3) // U

var al_sur_ecuador = IF(hemisferio = "S", Sensores[Coordena Y] - 10000000, Sensores[Coordena Y]) // AE
var Fi = al_sur_ecuador / (6366197.724*0.9996) // K
var Ni = DIVIDE(radio_polar_curvatura, (1+ e_prima * (COS((Fi))^2))^(1/2))*0.9996 // L

var a = DIVIDE((Sensores[Coordena X] - 500000),Ni) // M
var A1 = SIN(2*Fi) // N - no se usa
var A2 = A1 * ((COS(Fi)) * (COS(Fi))) // O
var J2 = Fi + (DIVIDE(A1,2)) // P
var J4 = DIVIDE(((3 * J2) + A2),4) // Q
var aux_J6 = 5 * J4 + A2 * ((COS(Fi))*(COS(Fi)))
var J6 = DIVIDE(aux_J6,3) // R
var B_fi = 0.9996 * radio_polar_curvatura * (Fi-(Alfa*J2)+(Beta * J4) - (Gamma * J6)) // V
//VAR DEBUG = "Radio Polar c:" & radio_polar_curvatura & " /FI:"&Fi & " /Alfa:"&Alfa & " /J2:" & J2 & " /Beta:" &Beta & " /J4:" & J4 & " /Gamma:" & Gamma & " /J6:" &J6
var b = DIVIDE((al_sur_ecuador - B_fi),Ni) // W
var Zeta = DIVIDE((e_prima * (a^2)),2) * (COS(Fi))^2 // X
var Xi = a * (1 - DIVIDE(Zeta,3)) // Y
var Eta = (b * (1-Zeta)) + Fi // Z
var Sen_h_Xi = DIVIDE((EXP(Xi) - EXP(-Xi)),2) // AA
var delta_lambda = ATAN(DIVIDE(Sen_h_Xi,(COS(Eta)))) // AB
var tau = ATAN((COS(delta_lambda) * TAN(Eta))) // AC
var meridiano_central = (6 * huso) - 183 // AD
var oldradianes = Fi + (1 + (e_prima * (COS(Fi)^2)) - (DIVIDE(3,2) * e_prima * SIN(Fi) * COS(Fi) * (tau - Fi)) * (tau - Fi))
var rad

JF LeRoch's profile image Profile Picture

0ed80c7f b3c8-4c62-bd5b-d0e18ec33553 on 05 Jul 2020 23:44:36

RE: Use UTM Coodinates

We also see a challenge because, as environmental engineers, often included with the initial data are Northing and Easting coordinates. For Power BI reporting we currently instruct data owner to manually converting the values. It would be handy to know a formula that converts these UTC Northing and Easting Values to Latitude and Longitude. Please reply to this thread if you know one. Our goal to create calculated columns so we can transform the UTM source data into a format that can be used by the map visuals. Native support for UTM could help many customers who, for example, may need to gather data using GPS devices.

JF LeRoch's profile image Profile Picture

0ed80c7f b3c8-4c62-bd5b-d0e18ec33553 on 05 Jul 2020 23:44:36

RE: Use UTM Coodinates clarify what I meant by "manually" there are online tools that can be used to convert UTM values to longitude and latitude.