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Under Review

scheduled export of a report to pdf

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43280e58 7d68-4681-9451-714b4c101a65's profile image

43280e58 7d68-4681-9451-714b4c101a65 on 14 Apr 2016 16:25:02

It would be nice if there is an option to have a scheduled export of a report to PDF. A nice to have feature would be to directly e-mail it to people so they are being notified of the latest report.

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Sonali Gupta (administrator) on 13 Mar 2023 08:32:56

Another update on this item - users now have the ability to set up scheduled subscriptions with paginated reports and 6 different formats, along with parameters per subscription to allow further personalization. There is also now the ability to create paginated reports against any Power BI dataset in the service, and we're planning to add drillthrough from Power BI to Paginated Reports in the short term. We still have plans to support e-mail attachments for Power BI reports as well in the coming months, and we'll share more specifics once we get closer to starting that work.

Comments (620)
43280e58 7d68-4681-9451-714b4c101a65's profile image Profile Picture

c874e5c6 e167-409f-9015-1f1b5bd20d8c on 16 Aug 2020 04:18:49

RE: scheduled export of a report to pdf

Is there any timeline when this will be released

43280e58 7d68-4681-9451-714b4c101a65's profile image Profile Picture

bc2e3fe0 36fb-4b8d-8f6b-1aebbc7f45d8 on 16 Aug 2020 04:18:48

RE: scheduled export of a report to pdf

At BI Helper, we continue to build on the core ‘Export to PDF and email’ functionality for Power BI Pro, Embedded and Report Server users. New features in BI Helper:

1. Integration with Microsoft: Enhanced security and seamless interface with Power BI.

2. Matrix and Table Visuals as MS Excel files: See your matrix and table visuals in Power BI as MS Excel files, sent to you as email attachments. With support for full vertical and horizontal scrolling, so that you can easily view ALL your data. With report filters and slicers applied, so you can view ONLY your data!

3. Support for custom Canvas (page) sizes: Build your Power BI reports with any canvas size and aspect ratio. Use BI Helper to automate PDF creation and report distribution.

Visit for a demo.

43280e58 7d68-4681-9451-714b4c101a65's profile image Profile Picture

33f49225 c45b-48cc-bf33-cac5945e85fa on 16 Aug 2020 04:18:16

RE: scheduled export of a report to pdf

we need excel or csv

43280e58 7d68-4681-9451-714b4c101a65's profile image Profile Picture

32656d8a 3e0c-e811-8140-e0071b6aa0e1 on 16 Aug 2020 04:17:43

RE: scheduled export of a report to pdf

We're using Power BI as a lightweight ETL tool to perform transformations on data from various sources, but need to be able to automatically export the transformed output. Power Automate would be a perfect end-to-end solution if we could just export the data from Power BI automatically.

43280e58 7d68-4681-9451-714b4c101a65's profile image Profile Picture

2be1287e be01-4cd5-9dd6-3445acf35901 on 16 Aug 2020 04:17:33

RE: scheduled export of a report to pdf

is this for external users as well?

43280e58 7d68-4681-9451-714b4c101a65's profile image Profile Picture

42a1b0a7 9efc-4b42-9150-8104d200e618 on 16 Aug 2020 04:17:29

RE: scheduled export of a report to pdf

Bring it to pro as well.

43280e58 7d68-4681-9451-714b4c101a65's profile image Profile Picture

3a22526f cd9d-4fd2-8df1-04570732644e on 16 Aug 2020 04:17:23

RE: scheduled export of a report to pdf

Currently a report subscription that sends an email with a paginated PDF of the report attached is only available in PowerBI Premium, correct? Are there plans to bring that ability to PowerBI Pro?

43280e58 7d68-4681-9451-714b4c101a65's profile image Profile Picture

e60bf4c4 fafc-4681-907a-ecffea6c1adc on 16 Aug 2020 04:17:18

RE: scheduled export of a report to pdf

the idea was started in 2016 and till date it hasn't been added.
I doubt Microsoft will do it ?

43280e58 7d68-4681-9451-714b4c101a65's profile image Profile Picture

b19d5c51 8347-4a7c-bb0d-14afe88f1214 on 16 Aug 2020 04:17:17

RE: scheduled export of a report to pdf

Whether this is delivered through a MS Flow (MS Automate) functionality or delivered directly in PowerBI Web, this is a must have. Being able to have reports being generated for a PDF opens up opportunities for automation with teams, projects and clients. Licensing seems to be a risk to consider.

I feel this request/idea also crosses over into the debate about the need for a "report viewing" license (read only) to view reports. See -

43280e58 7d68-4681-9451-714b4c101a65's profile image Profile Picture

fa5aa9d4 8442-470f-9154-087273a52600 on 16 Aug 2020 04:17:05

RE: scheduled export of a report to pdf

Fully agree with thi sone "An MSFlow connector to the data would also be great. Currently you can query alarms, which is an interesting thing, but I don't know of any application that uses the alarm function seriously."