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Under Review

scheduled export of a report to pdf

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43280e58 7d68-4681-9451-714b4c101a65's profile image

43280e58 7d68-4681-9451-714b4c101a65 on 14 Apr 2016 16:25:02

It would be nice if there is an option to have a scheduled export of a report to PDF. A nice to have feature would be to directly e-mail it to people so they are being notified of the latest report.

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Sonali Gupta (administrator) on 13 Mar 2023 08:32:56

Another update on this item - users now have the ability to set up scheduled subscriptions with paginated reports and 6 different formats, along with parameters per subscription to allow further personalization. There is also now the ability to create paginated reports against any Power BI dataset in the service, and we're planning to add drillthrough from Power BI to Paginated Reports in the short term. We still have plans to support e-mail attachments for Power BI reports as well in the coming months, and we'll share more specifics once we get closer to starting that work.

Comments (620)
43280e58 7d68-4681-9451-714b4c101a65's profile image Profile Picture

f0a9860f e768-44f3-b69a-7f3448053463 on 16 Aug 2020 04:19:24

RE: scheduled export of a report to pdf

I think MS will not implement ths in a way people reading this expect as this breaks the business model. Allowing automated export to pdf/powerpoint etc means consumers would not need a powerbi license. Why else cripple the product like this? If you need this, you may want to look at another bi sollution. But I added my vote!

43280e58 7d68-4681-9451-714b4c101a65's profile image Profile Picture

18f84c06 a5f8-4783-8dd6-b296d32adc16 on 16 Aug 2020 04:19:20

RE: scheduled export of a report to pdf

We love PowerBI so much and we know the team is very busy making it so awesome, that at DevScope we extended it a little bit with Powerbi Robots.

Powerbi robots automatically creates Hi-Res PDFs of PowerBI dashboards and reports and sends them anywhere, scheduled when you want it and to an unlimited number of recipients.

ยช Automate Power BI reports
* Send Power BI reports to anyone
* Filter data delivered by audience
* Display Power BI reports anywhere (email, pdf, tvs,devices)

More info at :

Thank you PowerBI Team.

43280e58 7d68-4681-9451-714b4c101a65's profile image Profile Picture

5d78b93e 99ec-42bd-b0bd-d019e50e1b4c on 16 Aug 2020 04:19:20

RE: scheduled export of a report to pdf

will you also fixed the issues on the current version of the scheduled report that do not show the current available data or sometimes just blank components?
I have tickets open on the premium support already since months without fix

43280e58 7d68-4681-9451-714b4c101a65's profile image Profile Picture

5d78b93e 99ec-42bd-b0bd-d019e50e1b4c on 16 Aug 2020 04:19:20

RE: scheduled export of a report to pdf

will this new version will allow to send report by an admin to a list of groups with RLS?
Will the image on secure on-premise servers will be show on the PDF export (currently not the case when we do a PDF or PPT export) where our images are only available when using PBI service or desktop
thank you

43280e58 7d68-4681-9451-714b4c101a65's profile image Profile Picture

bda8be77 5c57-45a3-a594-b65931eeb86c on 16 Aug 2020 04:19:16

RE: scheduled export of a report to pdf

i vote for scheduled export of a report to excel file

43280e58 7d68-4681-9451-714b4c101a65's profile image Profile Picture

2f64a6f1 8313-4255-a599-81d88747c8f2 on 16 Aug 2020 04:19:14

RE: scheduled export of a report to pdf

While completing this, it would be nice to have the URL filters respected when you choose Current Values for your exported.

43280e58 7d68-4681-9451-714b4c101a65's profile image Profile Picture

00ffb140 ed83-48b4-be84-9863f29e0740 on 16 Aug 2020 04:19:12

RE: scheduled export of a report to pdf

We also need to automate exporting visual data to csv. Our report has scrollbar, export to pdf shows only a small portion of the data.

43280e58 7d68-4681-9451-714b4c101a65's profile image Profile Picture

8734d82a f7e5-499c-892a-980d579abcfc on 16 Aug 2020 04:19:07

RE: scheduled export of a report to pdf

We started with PowerBI Pro and didnt even think about having this function; we thoughts thats absolutely standard - ecspecially if you guys call it the "Power Platform" with Automate and so on.

Its unbelievable, that an automatic export to csv and then mailed / moved on to ftp, onedrive whatever is not possible. This is an showstopper for us and - if we cant find any 3th party solution - we have to move on to another BI solution. I really dont understand how you guys could "forget" this feature.

43280e58 7d68-4681-9451-714b4c101a65's profile image Profile Picture

d1d05305 1dd1-ea11-a812-000d3a579c38 on 16 Aug 2020 04:19:06

RE: scheduled export of a report to pdf

Scheduled exporting of data from Power Bi in Excel will be highly beneficial, especially when connecting to two or more data sets is not possible. Information from one report using a data set could be easily incorporated into another report if this export was automated.

Please consider adding this feature.

43280e58 7d68-4681-9451-714b4c101a65's profile image Profile Picture

6cd84096 9ff0-4243-b232-3cab89c77121 on 16 Aug 2020 04:19:05

RE: scheduled export of a report to pdf

This will be really beneficial as people are looking for a "hard copy" file that can be run before an automated update for audit reasons.