Ola on 22 Mar 2019 18:27:15
Allow users outside organisation to receive subscription email like users within the organisation currently do
- Comments (11)
RE: Allow users outside organisation to receive subscription email
This has been done now in the June 2020 update to the Service. Worked for me, though it doesn't work for external addresses contained in email groups.
RE: Allow users outside organisation to receive subscription email
This is necessary for our organization. We were recently purchased and share reports with the other Company. They are not able to set themselves up with email subscription.
RE: Allow users outside organisation to receive subscription email
"This needs to happen as there is no technical need for it to be only available to Premium."
I would argue that this feature is often more necessary to smaller and midsize companies that can't afford Premium licensing. If you want a reason for them to increase their chances of upgrading to Pro license, here is a reason. Otherwise, why not just stick with Free version.
RE: Allow users outside organisation to receive subscription email
This needs to happen as there is no technical need for it to be only available to Premium.
RE: Allow users outside organisation to receive subscription email
I vote for this important feature
RE: Allow users outside organisation to receive subscription email
This is also key for us. If we do not get it, we will have to find another reporting platform.
RE: Allow users outside organisation to receive subscription email
This needs to happen soon. Without this feature, we are unable to demonstrate the key capability of power bi to our customers.
RE: Allow users outside organisation to receive subscription email
This would be valuable as our primary use of the product is to share information with a client.
RE: Allow users outside organisation to receive subscription email
This really needs to happen. We have so many use cases where our customers just want to get an email report of their metrics, they have no idea what Power BI is nor do they want to deal with licensing just to have a once a month email.
RE: Allow users outside organisation to receive subscription email
A workaround is to have the e-mail sent to yourself and create a forwarding "Rule" in Outlook or Gmail.
From: Microsoft Power BI
To: Only You
Subject: Your Subject