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Create a Data Connector for SPSS format files

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arturo on 20 Nov 2015 13:47:49

Create a data connector for SPSS Data Source (SAV)

Comments (8)
arturo's profile image Profile Picture

df6a151b 4a0b-4fb0-bf66-e39aa853048d on 06 Jul 2020 00:15:26

RE: Create a Data Connector for SPSS format files

SPSS data can be imported using Python script. Please visit this blog for detailed steps

arturo's profile image Profile Picture

98ca8b8f ac91-4ad8-820e-7dd391587e42 on 06 Jul 2020 00:02:50

RE: Create a Data Connector for SPSS format files

Create a Data Connector for SPSS format files

arturo's profile image Profile Picture

d7e70893 9138-443d-8376-e993be78d602 on 06 Jul 2020 00:01:02

RE: Create a Data Connector for SPSS format files

The fundamental problem is the labels. Importing data is easy. Importing variable and value labels is really really hard. I use a lot of categorical data and without labels any dashboard is meaningless.

arturo's profile image Profile Picture

a2185f7e 4dfc-4527-8f89-22844aab092b on 05 Jul 2020 23:53:00

RE: Create a Data Connector for SPSS format files

Hi everyone,
I tried via R , but it doesnt work, show me this error:

Detalles: "ADO.NET: R script error.
Error in rxImport(inData = spssFile, outFile = tempFile, overwrite = TRUE) :
no se pudo encontrar la funciĆ³n "rxImport"
EjecuciĆ³n interrumpida

Could someone help me please?


arturo's profile image Profile Picture

ca0d75cb 31e6-4688-a195-16a68ad25314 on 05 Jul 2020 23:42:59

RE: Create a Data Connector for SPSS format files


I have tried this one, but get a failure...

Details: ADO.NET: R-scriptfout.
Error in doTryCatch(return(expr), name, parentenv, handler) :
Could not open data source.
Calls: rxImport ... tryCatch -> tryCatchList -> tryCatchOne -> doTryCatch -> .Call
Execution halted

I have installed Windows R client en R Studio.

Do you know a solution?

I have no experience with R.

Greetings Charel

arturo's profile image Profile Picture

0b20d6c3 3def-4305-971f-9ac5f7608a16 on 05 Jul 2020 23:35:33

RE: Create a Data Connector for SPSS format files

Would like a connector for SPSS with Power BI

arturo's profile image Profile Picture

354b119f f2a7-4b2e-9182-ecf1422dd116 on 05 Jul 2020 22:46:22

RE: Create a Data Connector for SPSS format files

Actually, via R, there is a possibility to at least load SPSS data. Unfortunately, variable labels seem to be lost, so I vote for Microsoft to build a data connector, but this is a way to get data from SPSS to Power BI:

# 1. Install R
# 2. Install Microsoft R Client
# 3. Now go to PowerBI, go to Get data > More > Other > R script and copy/paste this R script:

spssFile <- file.path("d:\\yourpath\\yourfile.sav");
tempFile <- "c:\\temp\\temp.xdf";
tempData <- rxImport(inData = spssFile, outFile = tempFile, overwrite=TRUE);
spssData <- rxFactors(inData=tempData, sortLevels=TRUE,factorInfo=c("weegvar"));

# In the first line, be sure to enter the path to your SPSS file and use double slashes (\\)
# In the last line, enter a variable in your dataset to sort on
# Reference and more info:

arturo's profile image Profile Picture

0a95c25a 29e1-4da5-a0c6-bc5db36f21ca on 05 Jul 2020 22:33:05

RE: Create a Data Connector for SPSS format files

This would help those of us in marketing research.