- Comments (36)
RE: Hide/Show Column on Table
'+1. Yes please! we need this
RE: Hide/Show Column on Table
The ability to hide or show a column using conditional logic (i.e. use a button to show/hide) would be great. These is available in other tools, such as Qlikview
RE: Hide/Show Column on Table
I need this every time i create a table as I have to show row labels in a certain order - they cannot be shown in alphabetical or numerical order. At the moment I am adding a sort column, hiding it from the report which doesn't hide it from the visual (which is the only way to get it to sort in the way I want). After that I am manually resizing the column width with word wrap turned off. Surely there has to be a better way.
RE: Hide/Show Column on Table
Hiding a column requires turning word wrap off but word wrap is usually needed. An easier option that doesn't compromise word wrap functionality should be available.
RE: Hide/Show Column on Table
useful requirement for report visuals.
RE: Hide/Show Column on Table
'+1 we need this (or at least hide columns regarding measures that are BLANK)
RE: Hide/Show Column on Table
'+1, I'm having to include a column in order to get the required granularity, however the column which achieves this is of no relevance to the user or the report.
RE: Hide/Show Column on Table
I do require this feature, Can you please help to achieve it?
RE: Hide/Show Column on Table
Any updates on this function? No activity since 2017
RE: Hide/Show Column on Table
It should allow rename coulmn name as ' ' or Blank