Walter Lagraba on 10 Jan 2015 10:59:13
I accidentally clicked on the "Retail Analysis Sample" dashboard (out of the box sample dashboard) and then clicked in my newly uploaded dataset and started building charts and then clicked Save. I immediately clicked on the page title "Microsoft Power BI Public Preview" while I barely saw a warning toast that said "Warning: This dashboard is read only, your changes will not be saved." and since I had already clicked the title the page navigated to the landing page and my work was lost.
1. Have a dataset ready to use.
2. Click on the out of the box dashboard "Retail Analysis Sample".
3. Click on your dataset; the Report Editor opens.
4. Click any field so a chart is inserted in the canvas.
5. Click the Save menu button; a panel opens.
6. Enter the name of the report "abcdefg" and click the Save button.
7. The asterisk/star symbol besides the "File" menu button disappears. This means that Power BI considers the report saved and will not warn you if you try to navigate out of the editor.
8. At this point your report is not saved NO WARNING SHOWS when you navigate away from the Report Editor; effectively your work is lost at this point.
Bonus bug: The warning notification toast "Warning: This dashboard is read only, your changes will not be saved." shows only the first time. If you try steps 2 thru 7 again it will not show. To make the toast show again you need to close the browser and try these "repro" steps again.