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Email-like background data push for mobile reports

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Albanator on 30 Dec 2015 06:30:00

Knowing that Datazen has been eaten by Microsoft and Datazen's visuals and designers will be re-branded as SSRS Mobile Reports, one thing lacking with the Datazen mobile app and Power BI app is the notion of having the data pushed in the background when the app is not active or in-use. So far, the Datazen mobile app has been OK with refreshing and caching the data when the app is active, but the data should be pushed much like email is pushed. If it is not pushed, then the app should pull the data according to a setting I provide.

This recommendation is party mentioned in the idea below, but the idea of offline mode is separate from the notion of having the data pushed to the app or pulled by the app.

Comments (1)
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7464ca80 d2c3-4d08-b1cf-14aa5d154382 on 05 Jul 2020 22:12:59

RE: Email-like background data push for mobile reports

While this feature is being requested on the Power BI mobile area, I would like the capability in the Datazen mobile app, too. Since Power BI for Mobile is the future resting spot for SSRS Mobile Report (i.e. Datazen), this request is being made for that eventful day when we trash all of the work we did to get a Datazen Enterprise Server up and move to SQL Server 2016. For what I can gather, the Datazen mobile app is dead in the water with Microsoft purchasing Datazen.