Jon Bell on 12 Aug 2016 15:59:45
we currently store all of the location data for our organisation in Easting and Northing format and convert it to a geometry point in SQL server for use in our mapping software. it would be great if PowerBI recognised Easting and Northing, unless anyone can advise me of a way of converting easting and northing to Lat long in SQL server
- Comments (1)
RE: More choices for location data
Is this in UTM for WGS84 or NAD83, or a similar projection that will align easily with minimal error with WGS84?
What structure is your data? Is there a single column with this information, or do you have a column for northing, a column for easting, and a column for zone? or is zone not specified in the data and something you would need to add separately into Power BI?