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Fail to publish new version pbix to portal

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Ronny Hagen's profile image

Ronny Hagen on 20 Dec 2016 15:20:03

I have had a dataset with related reports on the portal since October last year.
Every now and then the business requires updates to the dataset - or new visualizations in the reports. I have created this regularily and published the new version to the portal.

However, starting on December 2nd, I am no longer to update this spesific project file. I get a message;
" An error occured while attempting to publish 'ProjectFileName' : Publishing failed for an unknown reason. (FailedToRefreshPackageAfterImportError)"

If I save the pbix file with a different name an publish on the same account, I have no problem!

Other users, though, use the same dataset as basis for their reports, so if I publish a new version - all their work is lost.

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1ce5ca7a 3623-44dc-a86b-3ed516fa1fab on 05 Jul 2020 22:38:09

RE: Fail to publish new version pbix to portal

I've also had this issue starting today. In my case I'd heavily changed the dataset as part of a restructure. This has had the end result of updating my dataset on the web application, but not uploaded the report, so I'm stuck halfway and overall my web report no longer works.