James Snowball on 07 May 2015 18:53:31
Currently, I can upload an Excel file with Power View reports and the data behind it. This is great, but the file cannot have any version control.
I would need to be able to continue developing my reports through version control and then point Power BI to the updated dataset/report without having to re-upload and create everything from scratch.
This becomes absolutely essential when you consider dev/production environments. We can't expect to provide users with cool new dashboards, then a week later take it down because there is a newer version.
- Comments (29)
RE: Dataset/Report Version Control
Proper integration with git (with diff support) would be awesome!
RE: Dataset/Report Version Control
integration with git would be highly valued
RE: Dataset/Report Version Control
would be very useful for our report creators
RE: Dataset/Report Version Control
We are consistently interested in the capacity for version control and the ability to perform diffs on our visualization files so that we may peer review each other's work.
RE: Dataset/Report Version Control
It would be extremely useful to have a Power BI version control purely for the definition of the reports, excluding potential data.
It is not really practical to version control the data at the same time as the code through the complete pbix files
RE: Dataset/Report Version Control
It is disconcerting that Tableau has version control functionality baked into the tool but PBI does not. It is a much-needed feature at an enterprise level.
RE: Dataset/Report Version Control
Still waiting for this fundamental capability.
We use it in an enterprise contest where the version control is quite mandatory.
We miss it greatly.
RE: Dataset/Report Version Control
This currently works for 'proper' version control of .pbit files: https://github.com/kodonnell/powerbi-vcs That said, the UI hasn't been completed and it's not battle tested, so feel free to submit some PRs!
RE: Dataset/Report Version Control
Add version control in Power BI service to allow for easy rollback and recovery.
RE: Dataset/Report Version Control
It would be great to see Microsoft publish a recommended workflow for this.
Like many others, we are currently holding our PBIX files in git as binary files. This gets us close, however there is no way to source control dashboards.