If you won't allow non-pro users to view pro content, there should be an enterprise-level option that allows our company to pay more up front so that all users can view pro content. We have too many users to buy pro licenses for everyone. We are trying to become data-driven but will not be able to do so without a better pricing option.
Administrator on 22 Oct 2015 08:57:02
Thanks for the suggestion! There is volume discounting available but we're also considering other approaches.
- Comments (14)
RE: Enterprise-level licensing
I believe the 'Free' license should be utilized for viewing any content irrespective of the type of report / dashboard, while the 'Pro' license should be purely for people who are involved in the design & development of the report / dashboard.
At our organization, we are now seeing a huge demand in these reports but this limitation paves way to the alternate approach of issuing a 'Pro' license for viewers too. But then the whole effectiveness of the license is lost since it is being utilized only for viewing purpose and nothing else!
I highly recommend and suggest that the licensing model be reviewed to align to the user-consumption patterns & methods, rather than aligning it for pricing purposes. This will make the tool popular for its ease of usage and flexibility among the business analysts, who are getting on to it very much as we speak but getting knock-backs with these tiny gaps & limitations.
RE: Enterprise-level licensing
At my organization, only the analysts would be manipulating the data and everyone else would just need to view the data.
RE: Enterprise-level licensing
If there was a 'view' license (so people access view any content we allow them to, but they can't manipulate it) - $0 and Internet anonymous capable.
RE: Enterprise-level licensing
What volume discounting is available?