If you won't allow non-pro users to view pro content, there should be an enterprise-level option that allows our company to pay more up front so that all users can view pro content. We have too many users to buy pro licenses for everyone. We are trying to become data-driven but will not be able to do so without a better pricing option.
Administrator on 22 Oct 2015 08:57:02
Thanks for the suggestion! There is volume discounting available but we're also considering other approaches.
- Comments (14)
RE: Enterprise-level licensing
That's totally true. I still don't know how I can explain to my boss that he'd needs a pro license just to consult enterprise dashboards and reports.
You should create new type of license which one should be a reader type like Tableau Software did with their licensing.
RE: Enterprise-level licensing
Could you please clarify/explain - We have on prem enterprise SQLserver core licensing with SA and under that agreement we get to run SQLserver, analysis server and reporting server and now the 2017 new Power BI reporting server is included in that core license. I can create and publish reports to this server but I am hearing if i want to create and publish Power BI reports to my on premise power Bi server I have to buy an additional product Lic. Is this true?
RE: Enterprise-level licensing
Same here, no organization of a medium or bigger size is willing to pay pro also for just the dasboard consumers...view should come with the free licence, it would pull in, much more pro users from the organizatiobs that are interested in dashboarding...
RE: Enterprise-level licensing
I have over 500 users affected by our initial Power BI deployment, there is a need for content packs so we have what is rapidly becoming an untenable possibtion with our licensing of having to try and figure out a mixed licensing model solution. Looking at this thread and having read the Garnter 2017 BI Quadrant it is clear either give your customers properg guidance in how to progress a deployment or Power BI Pro just becomes a headache.
I will not get sign off to purchase more Pro subscriptions without being able to show value and "Well Microsoft say to use the data you have to have a Pro subscription" isn't going to cut it. I have every confidence that as the visibility of data within Power BI increases so the demand for Pro subscriptions will increase and that makes the business case itself, but today I find myself in the frankly laughable position of having to consider rolling back and cancelling our Pro Subscriptions to do things manually because mixed mode doesn't work.
The ball is in your court guys
RE: Enterprise-level licensing
Hi, hope to have some guideline.
I would like to use power BI for my company in data analytic and schedule refresh. We have installed Power BI desktop 60 days trial. We publish the report and want to schedule refresh. However, we have seen a lot of comment in website. To schedule refresh a report, we need Power BI Pro. My company has policy must use fixed license and not subscription. May i know is there any licensing cost package and what we need for setup? Target for one group of user (around 20 people).
RE: Enterprise-level licensing
Agree with this, this is a major limitation for me as well. Requiring every *viewer* to have a Pro license makes Power BI not useful for creating general-purpose reports in a large organization. Allowing any user to view Pro content, or bundling this capability with an Office365 subscription or something would greatly extend the usefulness of this otherwise great tool.
RE: Enterprise-level licensing
At my organization we need to use "row level security", this one is a pro content features. We think it`s expensive to pay pro licences only for this feauture.
RE: Enterprise-level licensing
Hello Haydn.
Where can I find the volume discounting information?
RE: Enterprise-level licensing
Having to license non-Pro users is an absolute non-starter for us. Has been advocating moving from QlikView to PowerBI, but will have to place on hold due to this limitation.
RE: Enterprise-level licensing
Yep I started building a test case for using this but now I realize that Everyone at work will need a pro license just to view my reports.
We can't afford that many licences (~500) so looks like we will be going down the tableau server route. Bad luck Microsoft, you missed out on this one