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Power BI

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Print options

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DAVID M MALKIN's profile image

DAVID M MALKIN on 10 Aug 2016 19:53:45

Power BI currently has no way to print tiles where the data scrolls out of the current view (Examples would be Horizontal Bar Charts and Matrix views with say 800 lines or rows of data). You can only print what is currently on screen, manually scroll down, print again, repeat, etc. Very laborious. I have a client who would like to easily print out all the rows. This leads into a second issue with Power BI.

Comments (11)
DAVID M MALKIN's profile image Profile Picture

88b42323 39f5-41d5-9261-c8681107d342 on 05 Jul 2020 22:29:07

RE: Print options

'This is a must for any BI tool

In my opinion, this can work:
- As pivot table in excel, you cannot place elements in the bottom of the table so it can grow down as needed
- Or defining which elements belong to a "header section" (which must be repeated in all the pages) and which elements belong to a "detail section"

Please let us know if you are going to move forward with this.