Power BI User on 25 Sep 2015 03:20:25
ablility to select sub totals for the matrix
- Comments (10)
RE: subtotals for matrix
Please add this feature and the ability to display subtotals per KPI. I am really in need of this. I have 4 KPIs that I am displaying in my report for category A, B and C. Now the subtotal shows the sum of the values of all KPIs. What I want is for the subtotal to break the values by KPI and not just the total value. Example: A subtotal KPI "student_count" = student_count_cat_A + student_count_cat_B + student_count_cat_C
RE: subtotals for matrix
Please add this option. Our users are all Senior executives who want to print in excel and take the pages to meetings. It should be just like printing pivot tables in Excel .
RE: subtotals for matrix
This is a basic option of customizable reports. We are able to toggle grand total, why not subtotals?
RE: subtotals for matrix
This is a must to decide which of dimensions should have subtotals and which not. Right now you can only have subtotals for all dims, or any of it = grand total for the column/row is not available too. This should be changed.
RE: subtotals for matrix
This is a core Qlikview feature that allows one to select which fields should have subtotals. As reports often can have 5+ fields, but the interface should not subtotal all, this is a critical feature to make the transition from Qlikview to PowerBI
RE: subtotals for matrix
Subtotals in the matrix visual clutter otherwise good reports. Need to be able to customize when the totals shows up, If you use a hierarchy, you should get just one subtotal for all items in the hierarchy. Allowing end users to select when to subtotal would work as well.
vote! vote! vote!
Please consolidate this idea.
RE: subtotals for matrix
The need here is to select which fields will be subtotaled at which levels (e.g., I may not need a subtotal for changes in *every* other field.)
RE: subtotals for matrix
It would seem a simple fix to add a check box for each Fields, Rows entry, no ?
RE: subtotals for matrix
There are other registered ideas that are almost the same as this one. This uncontrolled idea submitting option is not efficient. I think this is a really important feature but because of the inefficient registration does not get the votes it deserves (now its fragmented).
PBI should mimic Excel pivot table functionality as close as possible.
RE: subtotals for matrix
It will be great to have this feature along with %contribution by row total or column total or grand total etc.