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Power BI


Add ability to show n-size (sample size) on charts and graphs

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Shenkiat Lim's profile image

Shenkiat Lim on 19 Jun 2017 21:59:24

Add the ability to show sample sizes in charts. For example, if I had a chart showing the average employee engagement score by ethnicity, add the ability to show the number of records that contribute to each aggregate score.

Additionally, it would be helpful to have the option to exclude categories with small sample sizes (for example, if there were only two respondents to the survey who identify as a certain demographic, then do not display an average for that demographic to preserve their anonymity).

Comments (1)
Shenkiat Lim's profile image Profile Picture

7d6af3c9 6a5b-412a-81e4-4ecc2484aa9f on 05 Jul 2020 23:58:45

RE: Add ability to show n-size (sample size) on charts and graphs

We wan this too.