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Enable user to navigate from one Power BI report to another

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Shruti on 09 Mar 2016 13:04:23

We would love to have a feature to navigate from one power bi report to another where the user has the ability to see only those records which are related to the first report link like the action feature in SSRS.

Administrator on 02 May 2019 03:58:57

We shipped this as part of our April release of Power BI Desktop! Check out the details on our blog:

Comments (14)
Shruti's profile image Profile Picture

f803dc2e aa0b-44b8-8008-c3d26d9faea3 on 05 Jul 2020 23:39:51

RE: Enable user to navigate from one Power BI report to another

I am eager to know when will it be ready

Shruti's profile image Profile Picture

a3309361 99be-ea11-a812-000d3a8ddfb2 on 05 Jul 2020 23:37:45

RE: Enable user to navigate from one Power BI report to another

Much needed for usefulness of the tool. This way it's more of an analysis tool and not just a presentation tool.

Shruti's profile image Profile Picture

6bd80526 6914-4ec6-ab38-bbcc4194fe19 on 05 Jul 2020 23:27:23

RE: Enable user to navigate from one Power BI report to another

Check this out -

Shruti's profile image Profile Picture

a4b7c004 d5f2-4623-9562-ce1ba6eeb81c on 05 Jul 2020 23:06:45

RE: Enable user to navigate from one Power BI report to another

One of the report requirements is to have three reports (which are basically hierarchical) to be linked together. We have achieved this in the WEB through the hyperlink option and it is working fine.

Problem Statement:

But the idea is to present these reports in IPAD within the Power BI App.
Within the App, when we click the hyperlink of the 1st report (topmost hierarchy), the underlying report opens up in a browser, but not within the app, but the requirement and the preference is to open underlying reports open within the APP with the filtered parameter passed through. If we try to open within the app, it is not filtered with the passed parameter.

So what is required is being able to open a Report on Power BI Mobile App passing parameters (filters) as we can currently do through Web URL.

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db5d9bf3 10c1-4269-8f27-63f07a337b14 on 05 Jul 2020 23:02:51

RE: Enable user to navigate from one Power BI report to another

ALL of our reports need to be able to drill down to individual event records in order to see what the actual problem was

Shruti's profile image Profile Picture

b39cb521 94b5-48f8-81ff-9cf730d3b8f7 on 05 Jul 2020 22:28:57

RE: Enable user to navigate from one Power BI report to another

Would also like to see a dynamic URL or Report action from Power BI that can take the user to an SSRS report for a drill down based on the filters that are applied to Power BI report

Shruti's profile image Profile Picture

3b994b3a 3db6-4f3a-addc-55830877d465 on 05 Jul 2020 22:27:04

RE: Enable user to navigate from one Power BI report to another

And similarly we really need to be able to drill through to a report from a dashboard, retaining the filters that were applied to the dashboard component.

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a134dba1 9776-4210-b9f2-72d597880c47 on 05 Jul 2020 22:23:32

RE: Enable user to navigate from one Power BI report to another

An urgent must have!

Shruti's profile image Profile Picture

23829ea9 271b-49ff-b7e1-df50fed2b62d on 05 Jul 2020 22:21:37

RE: Enable user to navigate from one Power BI report to another

I agree with Mike Honey's comment. In Business Objects, you can link one report to another and feed it's prompt values with data from the source report. Great for looking at the next level down - similar to drilling but on a separate report.

Shruti's profile image Profile Picture

af0019aa 9a7e-4776-9021-7b1171cd13bc on 05 Jul 2020 22:21:24

RE: Enable user to navigate from one Power BI report to another

The most flexible implementation of this might be to add an "Action URL" property to the tables & visuals that would accept a text field from the dataset. Back in the dataset query or calculated column, you could pre-construct whatever dynamic URL was relevant to each row in the dataset. Target reports would need a consistent URL and to be able to accept query parameters and use them as filters. Targets could also be non-Power BI sites.