Pete Caufield on 14 Jul 2016 19:52:39
The custom visual Sankey diagram with data labels would be very useful if you could fix the position of the bars and labels. Currently they can be moved and fixed but as soon as it is saved it will revert back to default, rendering the visual that has been created in effect not much use. It would also be useful to change the colour of the bars in the diagram
- Comments (3)
RE: Sankey diagram fix
An update on this would be really good as currently the diagram is too unstable and inflexible to actually use in a report i.e. when filter conditions are changed all the colours reassigned an the bars can end up layered on top of each other.
RE: Sankey diagram fix
This is a pretty big problem for the Sankey chart. Great visual but needs the ability to fix the position of bars and labels. Please fix this as soon as possible, I know many people that want to use the Sankey chart by shy away from it because of this issue.
RE: Sankey diagram fix
This is a year old post. Has anything happened recently? Not having this feature severely limits the usefulness of this otherwise very good visualization.