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Change appearance of Visual Header icons in design mode when visual headers are turned off

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Heather Heather on 13 Sep 2019 22:44:48

I think it's GREAT that we can now turn off visual headers on things like text boxes or cards that don't need to have those icons. But it can still be improved on, it would be nice to have some change in the appearance of the header in design mode when it's turned off.
Example: my current process is to go to the visual header, change the background color to something obvious and obnoxious, and then turn it off. That way while I'm designing a report I can easily see that it's turned off. It would be nice to not have to go this extra step.
I realize the idea is that designers still need the visuals sometimes, but if they were visually different then I wouldn't have to go into the Visualizations pane to double check that I didn't accidentally leave one turned on....