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Group measures in Matrix

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Mike Seisbye on 28 Nov 2019 20:54:40

Matrix is a perfect way to compare lots of measures. But the visual apperance could you a grouping feature.

Let's assume you needs to show item sales with (item number in rows)

Sales, GM, GM% Sales LY, vs. LY

This requeres 6 measures.

but if you need to show this in 3 "categories" (today/mtd/ytd) you need 18 measures. which is not a problem. but for people to know the difference, you will need each measure in the matrix to be called forexample sales Today, sales month to date, sales ytd etc.

if you were able to create measure "groups", were that "group" was nameable. the group could be called Today. then all underluying measures could just be called Sales. Then create another measure group called month to date etc.

So it's a grouping function on columns(and on rows) within the visual. not on the datatables it self. since you can't always build hierarchies on the things you want "visually grouped".

like this

Ps. maybe also a option to upload pictures to ideas on this forum to better understand idea.