Mike on 12 Jul 2017 23:07:29
They are several idea's for better measure management already posted but they have few votes and I would like to take this a step further. There needs to be a separate, consolidated view for seeing just the measures in your model.
Similar to what the grid view in Excel or SSDT has. However, I believe it could be better as the grid can become difficult to organize/search when the number of measures grows large.
My proposal is a measure pane that can be toggled on and off in the Data View. It could be similar to the current Fields view in presentation but it would also contain the current calculated value of the measure. The value of each measure would respond based on filters applied to the columns in the Data View. Data View filters don't currently exist but are hopefully coming soon!
The final enhancement I would like to see in this pane is a way to select one or more measure (as well as select all) and export them into a text file or JSON file. Then this exported file should be able to be imported into a different model.
Bulk measure management and import/export would be very useful.