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show and hide items on dashboard based on data threshold

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Gabriel Grünberg on 29 May 2018 22:04:24

We would like to create a dynamic dashboard that only shows items that are "interesting right now" based on threshold in the data.

Usage is that we have 200 different KPI:s and only wish to see day by day those that are below a certain threshold so we can take action on those. Having to through 200 different reports, or a dashboard with 200 small boxes is not effective. So dynamically being able to show/hide a box on a dashboard based on a value in the graph would save alot of time.

Example: a KPI moves between 0 and 100, everything above 80 is good/ok and does not need any action.
If the KPI goes under 80 I want a graph to show up on the dashboard from the published report. if it's over 80 then it's hidden from the dashboard.