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Crossfiltering charts does not show Highlighted number if it's zero

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Greg Galloway on 26 Aug 2016 22:06:01

If I have two charts and I click on a bar in one chart, it crossfilters the other chart and colors the bar to show how numbers shrink with the crossfilter. In the tooltip, it displays the original value and the "Highlighted" (or crossfiltered value). However, if the crossfiltered value is now zero, it doesn't show "Highlighted" in the tooltip. This is very confusing to users who may not recognize in a long list that the bar is a slightly lighter color and may think the unfiltered value is the same as the crossfiltered value.

Here is a screenshot of the tooltip where the Highlighted value does show up like I want:!AoL33J0T45Ac-zIgKdPWVjdowTJB

Here is a screenshot of the tooltip where the Highlighted value is zero so the word Highlighted doesn't display:!AoL33J0T45Ac-zPqUdARSY23UWne

Here is the PBIX file for the above:!AoL33J0T45Ac-zGr7sqjnZP8dNFd