Anand Mishra on 19 Mar 2018 18:27:22
Need functionality to create standard usage metrics report that can show data for all reports across workspaces. Currently, metrics reports are valid only for same workspace/report but if it can be extended to all then it will be very helpful in monitoring the usage of dashboards/reports at Organization level with just one usage metrics report.
- Comments (16)
RE: Standard Usgae Metrics Reports
This would save me a lot of time.
RE: Standard Usgae Metrics Reports
This would be a very helpful feature!
RE: Standard Usgae Metrics Reports
We have several dashboards and reports and would like to build a combined usage report showing the reports/dashboards that are used the most, as well as, the users with the most usage activities.
This seems such a basic requirement, so it's disappointing that this feature isn't currently available.
RE: Standard Usgae Metrics Reports
I am getting my company up and running using an App Workspace. However it is not acceptable that I cannot see usage of the workspace.
RE: Standard Usgae Metrics Reports
We need a larger scope than the workspace or tenant level usage metrics. With the size of our organization, certain teams use a combination of workspaces. The tenant level usage metrics would be great if we could augment them like the report level ones.
RE: Standard Usgae Metrics Reports
It is a must have in even a medium organisation (50 - 500)!!