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Power BI


Administrative Metrics Centralized

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Kerry on 01 Jun 2017 21:21:28

Power BI is a great tool for the end user, however when it comes to administering it, it is very akin to SSRS Subscriptions. There needs to be a central place where an Administrator / Super User can view all of the reports, all of the current failures / errors, 'alerts's, etc without having to visit each workspace and report to see what is going on. We have over 280 reports and it is very cumbersome to stay on top of everything. In addition, the failure 'alerts's do not contain enough information to take you directly to the report in question. Including a hyper link would be great. Better yet, use Power BI to provide Administrators to have a concise and succinct way to view the work space (s) and see the overall health. Also, the new addition of the analytics is great, but from an Administrative point of view, very time consuming to have to go to each workspace and then each report. I want to know what is being used, by whom, and how often. It would be a real help if end users could provide feedback to the creator / administrator of the various reports via a direct link to communicate when something is off in way of seeking support from an report creator / designer.

Comments (1)
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7d1e8389 a550-475a-bbe5-2e8bcf8a6ece on 05 Jul 2020 23:06:46

RE: Administrative Metrics Centralized

I agree, PowerBI needs to provide better tools for administration.
For example, I need to see wich user has access in wich Dashboard or Report and I don't have this tool anywhere.